MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(allContent, '""\/>",RegexOptions.None,Regex.InfiniteMatchTimeout) Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2, fault addr 0x98401ff0 in tid 12689 (Thread-525)

a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. GC OLDBRIDGE num-objects 71 num hashentries 91 sccs size 91 init 0.00ms df1 0.26ms sort 0.10ms dfs2 0.37ms setup-cb 0.07ms free-data 0.07ms links 34/34/33/4 dfs passes 196/125 Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 29758(1038KB) AllocSpace objects, 44(9MB) LOS objects, 19% free, 64MB/80MB, paused 471us total 36.571ms

now the problem is when i am setting the timeout in the regex app is crashing and giving me error as below. in my app i have to use a regular expression.